Working with Cell and Cell Styles and Fill

Working with Cell and Cell Styles and Fill

Insert and Delete, Cell Style, Sort/Filter, Find/Replace, Fill-Series in Excel


Where rows and columns are intersect is called cell. Excel provide to insert, delete and various style of formatting of cell in a sheet.

Insert –               To insert a cell, row, column and sheet at the current position of cursor. To insert multiple cells, rows and columns – Select multiple cell, row and column then click on Insert cells/rows/columns. Insert Command in Excel 2013

Delete –             To delete a cell, row, column and sheet of the current position of cursor. To delete multiple cells, rows and columns – Select multiple cells, rows and columns then click on Delete cells/rows/columns. Delete Option in Ms-Excel 2013

Format –            This feature allow to change the row height, column width. This feature also Hide/Unhide row/column/sheet. You can also protect sheet with a password through this option. Protect sheet allow to protect your sheet from unknown user.

Format Cell in Excel 2013

            In organize sheets, you can change the name of sheet, move to other location or copied the entire sheet. You can also change the color of sheet name tab.


Auto Sum –        Automatic total of selected cell. You can also press Alt + = to display the sum of selected cell range, and press Enter key.  Autosum in Ms-Excel 2013

Fill –                  To fill a various types of series or pattern you can use this feature in row/column wise.

Fill Series in Ms-Excel 2013

            To print series, type First number in the cell. Click on the Fill à Series.

Fill all the necessary criteria in the Series dialog box and click on Ok button.

Clear –         This feature allow to delete all contents or formats or contents only or comment or hyperlink from the selected cell that contains these type of value.

Clear All in Ms-Excel 2013

Sort & Filter –    This feature allow to change the order of selected range list. Ascending (Smallest to Largest) or descending (Largest to Smallest) order.     Sort, Filter in Excel 2013

            Filter – This feature is used to filtering the records according to given specific value.

Find & Select – This is an old feature used to search a value and also can be Replace from another value, used in Word Document.    Find and Select in Ms-Excel 2013

                          In Excel sheet, Find, Replace and Go To with Special option, used to find special and more criteria, like formula, comments, conditional formatting and Data validation.

            You can also take a pointer to select any Objects or pane from current work sheet.

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