Chart in Ms-Excel 2013

Chart in Ms-Excel 2013

Chart in Ms-Excel 2013

Charts –                 When data is represented by symbols, bars, lines or slices in 3D sphere or circle, these graphical area or map are called chart. Chart is an easy way to represent in Graphical or Pictorial format of a large amount of data without any long reading job with tedious movement. Chart save the time to understand large data/record.

There are many types of chart as following –

1.    Column Chart

2.    Bar chart

3.    PI chart

4.    Line chart

5.    Area chart

6.    X Y (Scatter) or Bubble chart

7.    Surface Chart

8.    Stock Chart

9.    Radar chart

10.  Combo chart

Some popular Chart with it steps are –

Select the data area and click on any proper chart type, it display on the current sheet as-

Column Chart- 

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