Arithmetic Functions in Ms-Excel 2013
Arithmetic Functions in Excel 2013
ABS() - This functions returns an absolute value of the given in the function as an argument. This function display number without any ‘+’ or ‘–’ value.
Syntax- =abs(Number)
Example- =abs(-5)
Ans- 5
Sqrt() à This function returns a number after calculate the square root of the given value.
Syntax- =sqrt(Number)
Example- =sqrt(16) Ans- 4
For Negative value- =sqrt(abs(-16)) Ans- 4
Power() à This function returns a value after calculating the second number is the power of first number.
Syntax- =power(Number, power)
Example- =power(10, 2) Ans- 100
Sum()- this function returns a number after the sum of given number or cell reference as arguments.
Syntax- =sum(Number1, Number2, Number3, ..., ..)
Example- =sum(10, 12) Ans- 22
Sumsq() – This function returns the sum of the squares of the argument as numbers.
Syntax- =sumsq(Number1, Number2, Number3, ..., ..)
Example- =sumsq(10, 12) Ans- 244
Sumproduct() – This function returns the sum of product of corresponding range.
Syntax- =sumproduct(range1, range2,... ... )
Product()- This function returns a number after the multiplication of given number or cell-reference as arguments.
Syntax- =product(Number1, Number2,... ... )
Example- =product(5,10,18) à Ans. 9000
Mod()- This function returns the remainder value after the division of number.
Syntax- =Mod(Number, Divisor)
Example- =mod(11,5) à Ans. 1
Quotient() – This function returns the quotient value after the division of given number as argument.
Syntax- =quotient(Number, Divisor)
Example - =quotient(11,5) à Ans. 2
Round()- This function returns a rounding value according to given argument.
Syntax- =Round(Number, Num_digits)
Number à is the number we want to round.
Num_digits à which we want you round off a number.
Ø If we give num_digits is greater than 0 then number is rounded to normally.
Ø If we give num_digits is 0 then number is rounded to nearest integer.
Ø If we give num_digits is less than 0 then number is rounded to left of the decimal point.
a. =round(5.1678, 2) Ans. 5.17
b. =round(5.1678, 0) Ans. 5.
Example- =round(5.1678, -1) Ans. 10
=round(5.1678, 0) Ans. 5
Roundup()- This function returns a rounding value according to given argument.
Syntax- =Roundup(Number, Num_digits)
Number à is the number we want to round.
Num_digits à which we want you round off a number.
Ø If we give num_digits is greater than 0 then number is rounded to normally.
Ø If we give num_digits is 0 then number is rounded up to nearest integer.
Ø If we give num_digits is less than 0 then number is rounded up to left of the decimal point
Example- =roundup(5.1678, -1) Ans. 10
=roundup(5.1678, 0) Ans. 5
Rounddown()- This function returns a rounding value according to given argument.
Syntax- =Rounddown(Number, Num_digits)
Number à is the number we want to round.
Num_digits à which we want you round off a number.
Ø If we give num_digits is greater than 0 then number is rounded to normally.
Ø If we give num_digits is 0 then number is rounded down to nearest integer.
Ø If we give num_digits is less than 0 then number is rounded down to left of the decimal point
Example- =rounddown(5.1678, -1) Ans. 0
=rounddown(5.1678, 0) Ans. 5
Trunc()- this function returns a truncating value according to given condition.
Syntax- =Trunc(Number, Num_digits)
Number à is the number we want to round.
Num_digits à which we want you round a number. By default it is 0.
Ø If we give num_digits is greater than 0 then number is rounded to normally.
Ø If we give num_digits is 0 then number is rounded down to nearest integer.
Ø If we give num_digits is less than 0 then number is rounded down to left of the decimal point.
a. =trunc(5.1678, 2) Ans. 5.16
b. =trunc(5.1678, 0) Ans. 5.
c. =trunc(5.1678, -1) Ans. 0
Fact() – This function returns a factorial value of the given argument.
Syntax- Fact(Number)
Example- =Fact(5) Ans. 120
Roman() – This function converts decimal number to Roman.
Syntax- =Roman(Number)
Example- =roman(10) Ans. X
Arabic() – This function converts roman number to Arabic number. Given argument of Roman must be as a text format.
Syntax- =Arabic(Text)
Example- =Arabic(“X”) Ans. 10
Int() – This function rounds a number down to nearest integer.
Syntax- =Int(Real_Num)
Example- =int(9.7) Ans. 9
Base() – This function converts a number into other number format according to give its base value and length.
base- 2 for Binary, 8 for Octal, 10 for Decimal, 16 for Hexadecimal
Syntax- =Base(Num, base, [Min_Len])
Example- =base(12,2,4) Ans. 1100 (convert in binary of 12 in 4 digits)
Degrees() – This function is used to converts Radians into degrees.
Syntax- =Degrees(Angle)
Example- =degrees(90) Ans. 5156.62016
Radians() – This function is used to converts Degrees into radians.
Syntax- =Radians(Angle)
Example- =radians(90) Ans. 1.57079633
LCM() – This function returns the Least Common Multiples of the given numbers as arguments.
Syntax- =Lcm(Num1, Num2,…)
Example- ==lcm(2,4,8) Ans. 8
Log()- this function returns a logarithmic value of the given argument.
Syntax- =Log(Num1, [base])
Example- =log(100,10) Ans. 2
Pi()- This function returns the value of pi.
Syntax- =pi()
Example- =pi() Ans. 3.141592654
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